Monday, July 29, 2013

A Deeper Relationship

The quality of our lives depend on the relationships we form with God, with ourselves and with others. With a deeper relationship, quality connections are made and true dependence is created and faith grows stronger.

My Heart Letter to God ~ July 30, 2013
Dear God,

I will strive to look for you everyday. I will connect with you in a deeper level. I will trust more, I will believe more. Heavenly Father, I surrender my life, my mind, body and spirit to you. Make me move in your ways. Help me to see you each and every singe moment of my day. Lord, make me go through my life with You in it. Help me see you each and every single day. Wake up my consciousness, help me see you. Help me see the world through Your Eyes.
All these I ask in the name if Jesus our Lord and God.

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